
Matchers allow the parameter to be either more vague or more specific about the expected value. Matchers can be passed as arguments to spy.called with the corresponding sinon.assert functions. Generally, there is no need to use Matcher directly.

=> stub.withArgs, spy.returned is not supported

Matcher API


Requires the value to be == to the given number.

match_int = sinon.match(1)
assert match_int.mtest(1)

sinon.match(string, strcmp=”substring”)

Requires the value to be a string and have the expectation as a substring,

match_substr = sinon.match("a long string", strcmp="substring")
assert match_substr.mtest("str")

sinon.match(regex, strcmp=”regex”)

Requires the value to be a string and match the given regular expression.

match_substr = sinon.match("(\d*)-(\d*)", strcmp="regex")
assert match_substr.mtest("0000-0000")

sinon.match(function, is_custom_func=True)

See Custom matchers.


For anything that does not belong to the above, the argument will be processed as a value (usually, using sinon.match.same to compare).

match_int = sinon.match(int)
assert match_int.mtest(1)
match_str = sinon.match(str)
assert match_str.mtest("str")


Matches anything.

match_any = sinon.match.any
assert match_any.mtest(None)
assert match_any.mtest(123)
assert match_any.mtest("123")
assert match_any.mtest(os)
assert match_any.mtest(os.system)


Requires the value which is not None.

match_defined = sinon.match.defined
assert not match_defined.mtest(None)
assert match_defined.mtest([])
assert match_defined.mtest(1)


Requires the value to be truthy.

match_truthy = sinon.match.truthy
assert match_truthy.mtest(True)
assert match_truthy.mtest(1)
assert not match_truthy.mtest(False)
assert not match_truthy.mtest(0)


Requires the value to be falsy.

match_falsy = sinon.match.falsy
assert not match_falsy.mtest(True)
assert not match_falsy.mtest(1)
assert match_falsy.mtest(False)
assert match_falsy.mtest(0)


Requires the value to be a boolean.

match_bool = sinon.match.bool
assert match_bool.mtest(True)
assert not match_bool.mtest(1)
assert match_bool.mtest(False)
assert not match_bool.mtest(0)


Requires the value to strictly equal ref.


Requires the value to be a type of the given type.

match_type = sinon.match.typeOf(int)
assert match_type.mtest(1)
assert not match_type.mtest(True)


Requires the value to be an instance of the given instance.

spy = sinon.spy()
stub = sinon.stub()
match_inst = sinon.match.instanceOf(spy)
assert match_inst.mtest(stub) #True because stub inherits spy

Combining matchers

All matchers implement and and or. This allows to logically combine two matchers. The result is a new matcher that requires both (and) or one of the matchers (or) to return true.


spy = sinon.spy()
stub = sinon.stub()
expectation = sinon.mock(os).expects("system")
match_and = sinon.match.instanceOf(spy).and_match(sinon.match.instanceOf(stub))
assert match_and.mtest(expectation) #True because expectation inherits spy and stub


match_or = sinon.match(int).or_match(sinon.match(str))
assert match_or.mtest(1)
assert match_or.mtest("1")

Custom matchers

Custom matchers are created with the sinon.match factory which takes a test. The test function takes a value as the only argument, returns true if the value matches the expectation and false otherwise.

def equal_to_square(give_value, expected_value):
    return True if give_value**2 == expected_value else False

match_custom = sinon.match(equal_to_square, is_custom_func=True)
assert not match_custom.mtest(6, 49)
assert match_custom.mtest(6, 36)