
Sandbox will make each test case isolated.

By default the properties of spy, stub and mock(expectation) of the sandbox is bound to whatever object the function is run on, so if you don’t want to manually restore(), you can use decorator(@sinon.test) to wrap the test function.


All inspectors in sinon do not allow multiple wrapping. For example:

>>> spy = sinon.spy(os, "system")
>>> stub = sinon.stub(os, "system")

This will cause an exception:

Exception: [system] have already been declared

Therefore, for making test cases work, after finishing the mission of that inspector, it should be restored mannually by .restore()

>>> spy = sinon.spy(os, "system")
>>> spy.restore()
>>> stub = sinon.stub(os, "system")
>>> stub.restore()

Sandbox API

decorator: sinon.test

Using restore in the end of each testcase makes code size huge. For solving this problem, sandbox is a good solution. Below is a fully example about using sandbox of Sinon.PY. In this example, there is no need to call .restore() anymore, sinon.test will automatically clean all inspectors in each test cases.

import os
import sinon

def test_os_system_ls():
    spy = sinon.spy(os, "system")
    assert spy.called

def test_os_system_pwd():
    spy = sinon.spy(os, "system")
    assert spy.called
